Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Distillagua 6000

The Distillagua 6000 was a group project made for the wiscontrepreneur 100 hour contest. Our group found $15 worth of garbage at a swap shop in madison. However the garbage turned into something fascinating. We turned it into a water distiller. The idea was thought up to help the different communities around the world obtain clean drinking water. The moto for the Distillagua is Refine. Refresh. Reinvigorate.

Our group members were: Anthony Gierczak III, Dustin Bell, Alison Murphy, Mitchell “Disco” Dombrowski, Abbie Murphy, Henry Schwartz, Bri Cox, Rose Schnieder, Kyle Kaul, Travis Potts, Steve Walsh, and Andrew Kielbasa.

Overall I thought participating in this project was a great experience. It was interesting to watch everyone come together with different thoughts. Some people worked on building a distiller that would actually work, and others would take pictures, or work on our website. I think that the biggest challenge for our group was the 100 hour time frame, of course every college student is on a different schedule. However everyone in our group would come together when it was convient for themselves which worked out perfectly. After the finished product we created a facebook page to attract people to our site. Come to find out a former teacher of mine, who started the Wrestling the World Organization, aproached me about an idea to take the Distillagua 6000(or something of the sort) to Africa, where he would have a place for us to stay and help out!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Website Number One

So i've been trying to come up with a good idea for our first website for web development, but i haven't really came up with much of anything. So i've decided to make a website about myself with a homepage, a link to my resume page, and a link to a page with information about my interests/hobbies. That's basically all i have for now, here's my color palette.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Cinnamon Challenge

The Cinnamon Challenge has become a popular video to post on youtube. The challenge consists of simply swolloing a tablespoon of cinnamon. However to call the challenge simple is definetly an understatment. It's really an interesting thing to watch other people attempt the challenge, I got quite the laugh out of it. I'm not quite sure why anyone would want to torture themselve doing this. Basically what happens is that the majority of the people breathe in the cinnamon right away and start choking so they spit it out. On the other hand some people actually gag enough to throw up! I personally find it very amusing, and could watch them all day because there are so many different ones on youtube. Classic form of entertainment.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Grammar Nazi

Sometimes people seem be so critical when it comes to internet conversations. This 'grammar nazi' is the type of person that corrects your every spelling mistake when having a instant messaging conversation. Usually when a grammar nazi corrects someone the converstation becomes very dull. What happens is the person that gets corrected stops talking to the grammar nazi because they no longer want to be corrected. There's nothing worse then having someone correct your spelling when the conversation is not professional, some words are spelt wrong on purpose by people.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

GT TV..Coming In 2010

Mass Effect 2, Red Dead Redemption, God of War III, Super Street Fighter 4, NBA-Jam, Alpha Protol Call, Halo Reach, Heavy Rain, and Gears of War 2. These are some of the most anticipated games to come out in 2010. This is quite the list of facinating games. After watching Game Trailer TV I am pretty amazed at how far gaming has come. I am also very interested in the fact that arcade classics are beginning to make a come back in the gaming realm. The graphics for almost all these anticipated games are unbelieveable, they look great! The one that stuck out the most to me was Heavy Rain, GTTV showed a world exclusive of the game. I'm not usually one to play video games, however this exclusive drew me in. Overall I thought this site was very professional on introducing the up and coming releases.

Monday, February 1, 2010


A consumer website has to be understood by all consumers. Amazon.com fits this perfectly, it's an easily navigated website so pretty much anyone knowledgeable enough to use a computer should be able to find there way around. It has a search bar at the top making the searching even easier, just type in what you want, and you got it. There are also categories on the side to choose from, so if nothing specific is in mind, then this option makes it possible to take a look at related items. Another great thing about it is that the prices, and other information on the product come up right in front of you when you click on an item. Each product comes with a rating as well, so it's always nice to be able to rely on ratings and comments rather than just looks.